I me, me, mine: The my permission
See the About page for more information. Also, you have to pretend that all the code examples are editable and runnable, with live IDE tooltips and so forth. =)
The my
permission is in many ways the most basic. It declares that a variable has unique ownership of an object. Just like owning a house, having ownership means that the variable has full, irrevokable access to that object.
Ownership vs leasing
In many ways, owned permissions ought to be familiar to you, because they are most like other languages. In Java or JavaScript, for example, if you have access to an object, you have a kind of "ownership" over it -- you can keep using it as long as you like, or copy it to other variables. In Dada, that's not a given. Owned permissions are permanent, but the leased permissions we'll see later can be canceled.
Unique: me and nobody else
But we said that my
represents unique ownership -- what does it mean that the my
permission is unique? It means there are no other variables that can access the object. So, you might wonder, what happens if we copy the object into another "unique" variable? Well, let's try it and see!
class Point(our x, our y)
my p = Point(22, 44)
my q = p # <--- added this line
print("The point is {p}").await
If you run it, you will find that it gets an error:
error: `p` has no value
> my q = p # <-- Added this line!
- value in `p` was given to `q` here
> print("The point is {p}").await
^^^ `p` has no value
When you assign to the my q
variable, you are actually giving ownership from p
to q
. You can't have two unique owners, so that means that p
is empty.
Visualizing permissions with the debugger
Dada comes equipped with a visual debugger that can help you to understand how permisions work. Let's try it! Position the cursor at the end of the first line:
class Point(our x, our y)
my p = Point(22, 44)
# ▲
# ─────────────────┘
my q = p
print("The point is {p}").await
# You see:
# ┌───┐ ┌───────┐
# │ p ├──my──►│ Point │
# │ │ │ ───── │
# │ q │ │ x: 22 │
# └───┘ │ y: 44 │
# └───────┘
Now position the cursor at the end of the next line and see how the state changes:
class Point(our x, our y)
my p = Point(22, 44)
my q = p
# ▲
# ──────┘
print("The point is {p}").await
# You see:
# ┌───┐ ┌───────┐
# │ p │ │ Point │
# │ │ │ ───── │
# │ q ├──my──►│ x: 22 │
# └───┘ │ y: 44 │
# └───────┘
The Point
is now owned by q
Try changing the print
to print from q
instead of p
...you will find the program works as expected.
Calling a function can give ownership, too
What do you think happens when we run this code?
class Point(our x, our y)
fn take_point(my point) { }
my p = Point(22, 44)
If you guessed "error", you were right! Check it out:
error: `p` has no value
> take_point(p)
- value in `p` was given away here
> print(p).await
^ `p` has no value
What this example shows is that calling a function whose parameters are declared as my
transfers ownership to those parameters in just the same way as declaring a my
local variable. The same holds when calling a class constructor:
class Point(our x, our y)
class Line(my start, my end)
my start = Point(22, 44)
my end = Point(33, 55)
my line1 = Line(start, end)
my line2 = Line(start, end) # Error
Making this explicit: the give
If you prefer, you can make the move from p
to q
explicit by using the give
class Point(our x, our y)
my p = Point(22, 44)
my q = p.give
# ~~~~ this is new
print("The point is ({p.x}, {p.y})").await
Give can give more than ownership
Earlier, we said that the give
keywords gives all the permissions from one place to another. That is true no matter how many or how few permissions you have. Right now, we're working with things we own, so give
transfers ownership. As the tutorial proceeds, we're going to see ways that we can create variables with fewer permissions; using give
on those variables will then give those fewer permissions.